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Prominent People Doing Biblical Studies

The Japan Society of New Testament Studies (日本新約学会・Nihon Shinyaku Gakkai)will hold its annual meeting in Nagoya on September 7–8, 2012.

Nagoya Gakuin UniversityNagoya Gakuin University, Nagoya Campus (Site of the JSNTS Meeting)

Here are the presenters, paper titles (translations mine), moderators, and other speakers: Continue Reading…

Samaritan Pentateuch

Akio Moriya (Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) presented a paper on Tuesday at the 8th Congress of the Société d’Etudes Samaritaines (Society for Samaritan Studies) in Erfurt, Germany.

Moriya’s paper is titled “Intentional/unintentional, logical/illogical, or important/unimportant: Which term(s) would be appropriate to characterize the Samaritan Pentateuch?”