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The Japan Society of New Testament Studies (日本新約学会・Nihon Shinyaku Gakkai)held its annual meeting in Tokyo on September 13–14, 2013.

Rikkyo UniversityRikkyo University, Ikebukuro, Tokyo (Site of the 2013 JSNTS Meeting)

Here are the presenters, paper titles (translations mine), moderators, and other speakers: Continue Reading…

Biblical scholar and theologian Richard Bauckham (リチャード・ボウカム) is giving a series of lectures and sermons in Japan this week.

Richard Bauckham
Richard Bauckham is Professor Emeritus at the University of St Andrews

“Gospel Traditions: Anonymous Community Traditions or Eyewitness Testimony?”


June 17 Lecture at the Japan Biblical Institute(日本聖書学研究所Continue Reading…

The Society for Old Testament Study in Japan (日本旧約学会・Nihon Kyūyaku Gakkai) will hold its annual Spring Meeting at Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo on June 12, 2013.

Meiji Gakuin University
Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo (Site of the SOTSJ Spring Meeting)

Presenters and Paper Titles (translations mine)

Kaoru Miyazaki, Doctoral Candidate at Tokyo Union Theological Seminary
“Multi-layered Structure in the Book of Esther”

Akio Moriya, Professor at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
“Characteristics of the Received Texts of the Masoretic and Samaritan Pentateuchs Based on a Consideration of the nun paragogicum

Akeo Hiragi, Professor at Nanzan University
“The Genealogy of Terah (Genesis 11:27–32)”


Presenters and Paper Titles in Japanese

宮嵜 薫(東京神学大学大学院博士課程後期課程)

守屋 彰夫(東京女子大学教授)
「nun paragogicumの考察によるマソラ(モーセ五書部分)とサマリア五書の受容聖書textus receptusの特徴について」

柊 曉生(南山大学教授)

The Story of Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac: Akedah Anthology, edited by Seizo Sekine and published earlier this year, is an invaluable reference for scholars, students, and any other Japanese readers interested in the history of interpretation of the story of Abraham’s “binding” of Isaac in Genesis 22.

Sekine, Akedah

Sekine has collected an impressive number of the most important texts written on this Genesis narrative from ancient to modern times. The breadth of texts is remarkable—the anthology includes texts originally composed in Hebrew (from classical to modern), Greek, Latin, Arabic, German, Danish, English, Spanish, French, and Japanese.

Personally, I found it helpful to make an English list of the texts in Sekine’s anthology, and I think it may be helpful to some readers for me to give the list in both English and Japanese here.

For each time period, therefore, I have given the Japanese list of texts (using Sekine’s titles) followed by an English list. In most cases, I have given the standard English translation of the work, but where an asterisk (*) occurs, I have simply translated Sekine’s Japanese title for that text.

Texts in Seizo Sekine’s Akedah Anthology

I 古代・Ancient

  1. 旧約聖書偽典
  2. 新約聖書正典
  3. アレクサンドリアのフィロン「アブラハムについて」
  4. ヨセフス『ユダヤ古代誌』
  5. アウグスティヌス『三位一体論』『神の国』
  6. ミドラシュ・ラッバー『ベレシート・ラッバー』

Continue Reading…

 Kenichi Kida, “Martin Buber’s Interpretation of the Bible”

This Japanese lecture was given at Doshisha University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions (CISMOR) on May 15, 2010.

CISMOR has provided a lecture summary and handout (PDF) on its website.

Japanese Title: 木田 献一「マルティン・ブーバーの聖書解釈」