Jean Ska’s Our Fathers Have Told Us: Introduction to the Analysis of Hebrew Narratives (Subsidia Biblica, 13) has appeared in Japanese translation from The Board of Publications, The United Church of Christ in Japan. The Japanese title is 聖書の物語論的読み方―新たな解釈へのアプローチ (Seisho no monogatari-ron-teki yomikata: Arata na kaishaku e no apurōchi; A Narratological Reading of the Bible: An Approach to New Interpretations).

The translators are Tsutomu Sakuma (Professor of Old Testament, Sophia University) and Yoshiaki Ishihara (graduate of Sophia University’s Faculty of Theology).

Here is a look at the contents of the English edition. Continue Reading…

The Biblical Exegesis Study Group (Seisho Shakugi Kenkyūkai = 聖書釈義研究会), an evangelical scholarly society based in Tokyo, has launched a new website at

Exegetica: 聖書釈義研究

The Biblical Exegesis Study Group website lists the contents of all issues of Exegetica: Studies in Biblical Exegesis,* the group’s Japanese-language journal of Old and New Testament exegesis. The site also provides English abstracts for most of the articles in all but the first two volumes (there are currently 23 volumes).

*The Japanese title of the journal is『EXEGETICA: 聖書釈義研究』(Exegetica: Seisho Shakugi Kenkyū).

Inquiries concerning current and past issues of Exegetica should be directed to:

Biblical Exegesis Study Group
c/o David Toshio Tsumura
2–9–3 Hanenishi
Hamura City, Tokyo 205–0017

Biblical scholar and theologian Richard Bauckham (リチャード・ボウカム) is giving a series of lectures and sermons in Japan this week.

Richard Bauckham
Richard Bauckham is Professor Emeritus at the University of St Andrews

“Gospel Traditions: Anonymous Community Traditions or Eyewitness Testimony?”


June 17 Lecture at the Japan Biblical Institute(日本聖書学研究所Continue Reading…

The Society for Old Testament Study in Japan (日本旧約学会・Nihon Kyūyaku Gakkai) will hold its annual Spring Meeting at Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo on June 12, 2013.

Meiji Gakuin University
Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo (Site of the SOTSJ Spring Meeting)

Presenters and Paper Titles (translations mine)

Kaoru Miyazaki, Doctoral Candidate at Tokyo Union Theological Seminary
“Multi-layered Structure in the Book of Esther”

Akio Moriya, Professor at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
“Characteristics of the Received Texts of the Masoretic and Samaritan Pentateuchs Based on a Consideration of the nun paragogicum

Akeo Hiragi, Professor at Nanzan University
“The Genealogy of Terah (Genesis 11:27–32)”


Presenters and Paper Titles in Japanese

宮嵜 薫(東京神学大学大学院博士課程後期課程)

守屋 彰夫(東京女子大学教授)
「nun paragogicumの考察によるマソラ(モーセ五書部分)とサマリア五書の受容聖書textus receptusの特徴について」

柊 曉生(南山大学教授)

The Society for Old Testament Study in Japan (日本旧約学会) published its 9th issue of Old Testament Studies (Kyūyaku-gaku Kenkyū) last month. This year’s issue includes 2 articles and 4 symposium addresses. All of the articles and talks are in Japanese, but, following the common practice in Japan, the journal includes an English table of contents.

Old Testament StudiesKyūyaku-gaku Kenkyū 9 (2012)


English Table of Contents of Old Testament Studies 9


Yuko Takahashi, “Josiah’s Reform and its Relationship to Psalms 72 and 80” (pages 1–14)

Randall Short, “Was David a Monotheist According to the Books of Samuel?” (pages 15–35) Continue Reading…