Pentateuchal Traditions in the Late Second Temple Period

August 17, 2012 — Leave a comment

In August 2007, biblical and Jewish studies scholars from several countries gathered in Tokyo for the “International Workshop on the Study of the Pentateuch with Special Emphasis on Textual Transmission History in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods.”

Akio Moriya (Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) and Gohei Hata (Tama Art University) carried out the monumental task of editing and publishing 17 papers in Japanese (2011) and 14 papers English (2012).

『古代世界におけるモーセ五書の伝承』(Kyoto University Press, 2011) 

Pentateuchal Traditions in the Late Second Temple Period: Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tokyo, August 28-31, 2007 (Brill, 2012)


Comparison of Contents in the Japanese and English Editions

There are a few notable differences in the two editions.

Chapters 1–14 of the English edition are all included in the Japanese edition, but the Japanese edition has 3 papers that aren’t included in the English edition. These are the Keynote Lecture and chapters 6 and 16 in the Japanese volume. The extra chapters mean that chapter numbers do not match after chapter 5.

For the sake of bilingual readers, I have pulled together the English and Japanese paper titles below.

Table of Contents・目次

Keynote Lecture・基調講演 in Japanese Edition Only
レオトーン・ポリス神殿址 —— ブーバスティス・アグリアともうひとつのユダヤ神殿
(“The Ruins of Leontopolis Temple: Bubastis Polis and Another Jewish Temple”)
Gohei Hata / 秦 剛平

Part I Pentateuchal Traditions ・モーセ五書の本文伝承について

Chap 1
The Doctrine of creatio ex nihilo and the Translation of tōhû wābōhû
Toshio David Tsumura / 津村 俊夫

Chap 2
One Decalogue in Different Texts
Yuichi Osumi / 大住 雄一

Chap 3
The Evolutionary Growth of the Pentateuch in the Second Temple Period
Eugene Ulrich / ユージーン・ウーリック

Chap 4
The Scribal and Textual Transmission of the Torah Analyzed in Light of Its Sanctity
Emanuel Tov / エマニュエル・トーヴ

Part II Hellenistic Judaism and the Pentateuch・ヘレニズム的ユダヤ教とモーセ五書

Chap 5
In the Beginning Was a Greek Translation of Genesis and Exodus
Gohei Hata / 秦 剛平

Chap 6 = Chap 7 in Japanese Edition
Which Version of the Greek Bible Did Philo Read?
Gregory E. Sterling / グレゴリー・E・スターリング

Chap 6 in Japanese Edition Only
(“Hellenistic Judaism and the Septuagint”)
Tessa Rajak / テッサ・レイジャック

Chap 7 = Chap 8 in Japanese Edition
The Importance of the Latter Half of Josephus’s Judaean Antiquities for his Roman Audience
ヨセフス『ユダヤ古代誌』の後半部 —— ローマの聴衆にとってのその重要性
Steve Mason / スティーブ・メイソン

Part III Dead Sea Scrolls and the Pentateuch・死海文書とモーセ五書

Chap 8 = Chap 9 in Japanese Edition
The Interpretation of Genesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls
John J. Collins / ジョン・J・コリンズ

Chap 9 = Chap 10 in Japanese Edition
Exegesis of Pentateuchal Legislation in Jubilees and Related Texts Found at Qumran
James C. VanderKam / ジェイムズ・C・ヴァンダーカム

Chap 10 = Chap 11 in Japanese Edition
The Pentateuch Reflected in the Aramaic Documents of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Akio Moriya / 守屋 彰夫

Part IV The New Testament and the Pentateuch・新約聖書とモーセ五書

Chap 11 = Chap 12 in Japanese Edition
The Septuagint and the Transition of the Gospel Traditions
Migaku Sato / 佐藤 研

Chap 12 = Chap 13 in Japanese Edition
The Reception of the Torah in Mark: The Question about the Greatest Commandment
マルコにおけるトーラーの受容 —— 最大の戒めに関する問い
Adela Yarbro Collins / アデラ・ヤーブロ・コリンズ

Chap 13 = Chap 14 in Japanese Edition
Creation and Sacred Space: The Reuse of Key Pentateuchal Themes by Philo, the Fourth Evangelist, and the Epistle to the Hebrews
創造と聖なる空間 —— フィロン,第四福音書,ヘブライ人への手紙によるモーセ五書の重要主題の再使用
Harold W. Attridge / ハロルド・W・アトリッジ

Special Contribution・特別寄稿

Chap 14 = Chap 15 in Japanese Edition
A Japanese Perspective-Searching for Further Points of Contact between East and West
地理学的視点から見たモーセ五書の本文伝承 —— 東西文化のさらなる接点を求めて
Yutaka Ikeda / 池田 裕

Chap 16 in Japanese Edition Only
パウロとパロディ —— アブラハム物語再話(ガラテヤ3〜4章)に見るパウロの意図 (“Paul and Parody: Paul’s Intent in Retelling of the Abraham Story [Galatians 3–4]”)
Atsuhiro Asano / 浅野 淳博


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