Our Fathers Have Told Us in Japanese

October 9, 2013

Jean Ska’s Our Fathers Have Told Us: Introduction to the Analysis of Hebrew Narratives (Subsidia Biblica, 13) has appeared in Japanese translation from The Board of Publications, The United Church of Christ in Japan. The Japanese title is 聖書の物語論的読み方―新たな解釈へのアプローチ (Seisho no monogatari-ron-teki yomikata: Arata na kaishaku e no apurōchi; A Narratological Reading of the Bible: An Approach to New Interpretations).

The translators are Tsutomu Sakuma (Professor of Old Testament, Sophia University) and Yoshiaki Ishihara (graduate of Sophia University’s Faculty of Theology).

Here is a look at the contents of the English edition.


English and Japanese Citations

J. L. Ska, Seisho no monogatari-ron-teki yomikata: Arata na kaishaku e no apurōchi (A Narratological Reading of the Bible: An Approach to New Interpretations) (trans. Tsutomu Sakuma and Yoshiaki Ishihara; Tokyo: The Board of Publications, The United Church of Christ in Japan, 2013); translation of Jean Ska, “Our Fathers Have Told Us”: Introduction to the Analysis of Hebrew Narratives (Subsidia Biblica 13; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 2000).

J.L.スカ『聖書の物語論的読み方 新たな解釈へのアプローチ』佐久間勤・石原良明訳,日本キリスト教団出版局,2013年